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The new Chronic Dry Eye Advanced Kit (formerly called the Dual Dry Eye Relief Kit) includes: one pair of tranquileyes goggles, one set of instant thermoeyes with foam pads, one set of thermoeyes Beads with foam sleeves and a mesh wash bag.
Tranquileyes™️ eye hydrating therapy is a natural way to bring immediate and lasting relief to dry, irritated eyes. The primary component of the tranquileyes system is a soft, flexible eye cover (goggle) made from a medical grade, flexible rubber material that is FDA approved. Adhered to the goggle are two eye cushions made from visco-elastic foam that are specially designed to form to the face when warmed by body heat, which helps control the temperature and humidity around the eyes. Inside each side of the eye cover is a moisture pad made from the same visco-elastic foam as the outside cushions. The moisture pads are designed to be removed from the eye cover, placed in warm or cold water, and then inserted back into the eye cover. When used with warm water, tranquileyes help stimulate tear production and prevent the evaporation of natural and/or artificial tears. When used with cold water, tranquileyes help soothe mild puffy eyes. While the moisture pads are the easiest way to use the tranquileyes system, the moisture pads will not stay warm or cool for very long. If your patients need more intense hot or cold treatments, a very beneficial aspect of the tranquileyes system can be thermoeyes. Thermoeyes are resuable heat/cold packs that boost the benefits of the basis tranquileyes system. Thermoeyes tuck inside the tranquileyes goggle and can be used with or without added moisture.
The Chronic Dry Eye Kit Advanced includes one set of instant thermoeyes and one set of microwaveable thermoeyes Beads. Combined, the kit allows patients to create approximately 160 moist-heat therapies for dry eye relief. The instant thermoeyes contain a stainless steel disc inside the packet that can be snapped back and forth and approximately 100 degrees of heat is generated instantly to create an 18-20 minute warm compress. Alternatively, patients can use the microwaveable thermoeyes Beads to conveniently create a 12-15 minute warm compress. Patients simply place the Beads into fabric pockets and then place both the Beads and the fabric pockets in a cup of water in the microwave for one minute on high, remove, let stand for one minute, insert into back of goggle (within the foam cushions) and wear. Both types of thermoeyes provide enough heat to effectively release critical oils from the meibomian glands, which is required to improve the quality of the natural tear and to slow evaporation. Both types of thermoeyes can also be used to create 12-15 minute cold therapies to help reduce lid puffiness and sinus pressure. In addition, the original goggle is very comfortable to wear while sleeping to shelter the eyes from drafts, air conditioning or forced air heating.