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Ryzumvi™ 0.75% Dilation Reversal Drop
This product is a cold ship item. Cold ship items must be shipped separately via an expedited service. A separate cold ship fee applies to this product, and there are limited days on which this product can ship. Please click here for more details about our cold ship program. In addition, please note that we cannot accept returns of cold ship items.
Cold-Ship Fee (1-6 Cold-Ship Bottles/Boxes) $15.00
Re-imagine the post-dilation experience for your patients with the only FDA-approved product to rapidly reverse dilation.
Ryzumvi™ is an alpha adrenergic blocker indicated for the treatment of pharmacologically-induced mydriasis produced by adrenergic agonists (e.g., phenylephrine) or parasympatholytic (e.g., tropicamide) agents.
The onset of action after administration of Ryzumvi generally occurs in 30 minutes, with the maximal effect seen in 60 to 90 minutes.
According to RYZUMVI’s prescribing information (PI), the following dosages are advised:
- Adult and pediatric patients (age 12+): One to two drops instilled in each dilated eye following the completion of an ophthalmic exam or procedure to RM.
- Pediatric patients (ages 3 to 11): One drop instilled in each dilated eye following completion of an ophthalmic exam or procedure to RM.
Each box contains 30 single-use vials. There are approximately 8 drops in each vial.
For more information about Ryzumvi, we encourage you to view this product information brochure: RYZUMVI PRODUCT INFORMATION
This product is a cold ship item. Cold ship items must be shipped separately via an expedited service. Additional shipping and handling fees apply to this product, and there are limited days on which this product can ship. Please click here. for more details about our cold ship program. In addition, please note that we cannot accept returns of cold ship items.